NEMOT rose garden

Karasuyama, the rose garden、Beautiful 烏山根本家バラ園

The rose at NEMOTO at KARASUYAMA district is in full bloom, so last year I went to see it …
The rose garden has expanded a little bit from last year. The area was transformed into a flower garden larger!… Basically, it was composed of old roses, and it seems that the number of newly added places has increased and the range of appreciation has expanded amazingly. 根本家のバラ園は、このように咲いています・・・・

NEMOT rose garden

Since there is only a rural area and on the way to the NEMOTO’s rose garden, there is the famous Naka River, NAKAGAWA, which is rich in nature, there are many open gardens in this area. But, this place is rather deep in the forest, and, for the first people to access, it will need to know the root completely. Because the place is far away from the city,烏山というとかなり遠い感じですが、その自然が、その距離を打ち消してくれるでしょう・・・

flower garden Karasuyama area
But I think you can exchange its effort with the pleasure given when you appreciate its beautiful rose garden. in a place where you can feel nature vastly and natural beauty can not be got in the cities. …
I would like to go again when the time comes in the near future. There are three places in Karasuyama where you can see such roses garden at this time of the year. 疲れを忘れて、多くの人がこの時期訪れる場所なのです・・・

Rose garden in Karasuyama
